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Old habits die hard : pathofexile
Main Post: Old habits die hard : pathofexile
What are some of your best daily habits?
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Looking for ways to feel more accomplished, productive, and happy.
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Leaving the house for a morning walk/getting sunlight in my retinas as soon as possible after waking. It instantly clears my mind and sets me up for a good day and sleep later on.
Washing dishes right after eating, I used to tell myself I'd wash them later, then have to drag myself through it, task difficulty marinades with time I find.
What are some habits that have genuinely changed your life for the better?
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I’m lacking in that department right now, hence the post, but here’s one that changed my life when I successfully stuck to it in the past - do something that makes you feel in touch with your mind + body for ~15 minutes before bed. For me, this has included keeping mindful skincare routine, doing a short and easy yoga routine, or reading a chapter of a good book.
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- Journal every day (most days. This is by far my hardest habit. But also the most rewarding)
- Deleted social media from my phone
- Read every day
- Stretch daily
- Floss, mouthwash, brush. always all 3
For you, what habit is a must once you get to your late 20's?
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I'm in my late 20's and I want to start new habits to improve my life and my relations and just be happier than I have been so far an enjoy life. So, I want you to share with me what habits do you think are very important or necessary, or what habits do you have that have improved your life. Thank you!
Edit: I didn't expect so many answers. Thank you very much all of you for your advice! This week I started to do some of the things that you told me. Wish me good luck!
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Learning to cook improves the quality of your life immensely. If you start at 20 you’ll be excellent by 30. It gives me a lot of relief that I can reliably and cheaply eat my favorite foods because I’ve learned to cook everything I like.
That along with regular exercise.
daily habits that you recommend
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What daily habits do y’all recommend that you believe help set you up for success or happiness or overall self improvement?
Looking to set up a daily habit tracker to build a healthier, happier routine and I’m open to suggestions!
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This might be obvious, but I cannot recommend setting a solid consistent sleep schedule enough. It has done wonders for me.
[Serious] What simple daily habits have large tangible benefits?
Main Post: [Serious] What simple daily habits have large tangible benefits?
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I just moved out of my parents house and I was reading tips on Reddit. The best one I ever read was “set a timer for 10 minutes everyday and clean. Once the timer ends you’re done.” You’d be surprised how much cleaning you can get done in 10 minutes.
What healthy habits have you created and kept up for yourself?
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I feel like I need more healthy habits in my life and would love to lose some weight as well. What are some healthy habits you’ve created for yourself (or just your favorite habit or change) that have improved your physical or mental health?
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Regular exercise. I know it's not easy for some and I get it, but it's the number one self love thing I have and it does wonders for my skin and face.
What habits help you love yourself more?
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A bit off topic but I decided to ask in this sub because I guess your perception about yourself has a huge role in building who you are (makes you more productive). I want to build some healthy habits that helps me understand who and what I am. I have already added a few and want to hear what helps you personally. Any books, youtube channels etc. that you will recommend for personal growth?
Top Comment: A bit off topic but I decided to ask in this sub because I guess your perception about yourself has a huge role in building...
[Advice] 30 Best Daily Habits
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Hi everyone! Just wanted to share 30 daily habits! Hope these give you some ideas!
Edit: I understand this list can be overwhelming but please treat these as suggestions only! Not all of these habits can be done all at once so it's good to focus on a few at a time. I'm only working on adding 2-3 new habits every month personally.
- 1) Prepare for the next day.
Think of 3-5 things you will need for the next day and put them all in one place. - 2) Declutter your workspace.
Spend 5-10 minutes decluttering your workspace. Put away things you don't need for the day. Try to limit to no more than 5 items on your desk. - 3) Try the one-tab challenge.
Limiting to one tab saves time in finding what we need. We can be distracted when we have multiple tabs open. If that's too hard, you can start off with two tabs first. - 4) Do a shower meditation.
First, get in the shower and let the warm water run all over your body. Second, visualize all the worries, stress and anxieties upon you. Third, visualize the water and soap scrubbing all of those off. Fourth, picture all the negative feelings going down the drain. Lastly, acknowledge you are clean and free from it all. - 5) Listen to an encouraging podcast or videos.
Try finding podcasts or videos that are positive or encouraging. There's plenty on YouTube! - 6) Eat healthier and drink lots of fluids.
Try eating 2-3 vegetables per day. If this is too hard, then you can set 2-3 green foods per week for now. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or start with 3 glasses and increase from there. - 7) Create a vision board.
Place images of all your goals and aspirations either on a physical wall or digitally. Seeing all your goals in place in front of you can be meaningful and motivating. - 8) Stretch different parts of your body.
Search on YouTube to see which areas of your body to stretch and do this for at least 10 minutes a day. But don’t overexert yourself. - 9) Take a class.
Take a local or online class about something you always wanted to learn. Consider a class in a new language, new skill, or new hobby. - 10) Remove habits in the bedroom.
Truthfully, I'm working on this right now. I love to watch TV on my bed at night. But we should reserve the bedroom a place just for sleep rather than for entertainment. - 11) Use the 5 by 5 rule.
The rule is “If it’s not gonna matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes upset about it.” Don’t let unnecessary things upset you and just focus on the positives. - 12) Journal or write 30 minutes a day.
Reflect on the day. Get all your deepest thoughts either on paper or electronically. This helps with focus and becoming a better thinker and person. - 13) Track your tasks.
Keep a to-do list and calendar to track what you’re working on. Reflect on what you're spending your most time on. Is it on entertainment or your most valuable tasks? - 14) Set 3-4 daily priorities.
Eliminate the non-essential tasks and limit your priorities to 3-4. Make sure you know what you want to achieve every single day, week, and year. - 15) Do a full body work out and strength training 3 times a week.
Strength training protects your bone health, muscle mass, keeps you lean, increases energy levels, and prevents injuries. That’s why it is ideal to do strength training 3 times a week. There are also plenty of work out videos on YouTube. - 16) Take a break from technology.
Consider taking a break from social media or anything else with technology. You're likely to feel more refreshed, energized and you're able to give your eyes a break. - 17) Read 60 minutes a day.
Reading is important for your cognition and make you a better thinker and writer. Even if you don’t like to read, try to learn to do it everyday and eventually you will come to love it. - 18) Sleep 7-8 hours at night.
This is another habit I often neglect. But I end up paying for the consequences. Don’t ever sacrifice your sleep. Always make sure you get enough of it. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep. - 19) Practice kindness and love.
Realize you have an unlimited resource of love and give it to others everyday. Try to practice small acts of kindness and don't keep score. Leave a genuine compliment for someone. Leave a positive review. Write heartfelt letters. Make a playlist for someone. - 20) Save 30% of your income.
2020 taught us that we need to be smarter with our finances. If you can’t save 30%, then try 10%. Save money by cutting out the little things you spend on everyday or weekly. - 21) Smile.
Studies have shown that people who genuinely smile more are happier. When we slouch or frown, we show unhappiness and those cues run with us. I sometimes call up positive friends or watch a comedy show to smile more. - 22) Have a healthy breakfast.
31 million Americans skip breakfast everyday. Make time for breakfast by waking up earlier and have a breakfast filled with lots of fiber and protein. - 23) Cook more.
You can save money and eat healthier by cooking more. You're able to control what goes into the food you consume. - 24) Walk 10,000 steps everyday.
Try parking further or taking stairs to get more steps in. Walk alone or with someone else. You can enjoy health benefits, enjoy your surroundings or enjoy a good conversation. - 25) Keep learning.
Educate yourself and learn something new everyday. Learn a new skill, language, or other. Learn from a course, audiobook, blog post, video tutorial from YouTube, TedTalks or other. - 26) Become an early riser.
Early mornings can be the most productive hours while the world is asleep. If you’re not a morning person, you can try setting back the clock 15 minutes every week until you reach 2 hours before your usual wake up time. - 27) Network with others.
Don’t just focus on putting your name out there. Find ways to help and add value to others. Keep helping others without expecting anything in return. - 28) Confront your fears.
Do something that makes you uncomfortable everyday. I compiled a list of activities I wish to do to step out of my comfort zone. - 29) Take action with the 15 minute rule.
Beat procrastination by setting a timer on your phone for 15 minutes. During those 15 minutes, commit to doing what you were putting off. This builds momentum and encourages you to keep going. - 30) Make time for yourself.
Do one small thing you love everyday. It could be listening to your favorite song, driving along your favorite road, watching a movie, or anything else. The key is to reserve time for yourself.
Which of these daily habits do you have or wish to add? Feel free to add more to the list! :)
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Great list, but it is a bit daunting. I think many people here know what they should be doing, but the issue is we have trouble sticking to them.
In the context of this list, I suggest taking maybe 5 or 10 of the habits that seem the easiest, and focusing on doing those for a few weeks. Once those feel like a natural part of your daily routine, integrate a few more from this list into your daily routine.
Trying to begin your transformation by forming all of these habits at once will likely result in you not doing any of them.